Working on a "making of" video

I'm working on a "making of" video, here's a 30sec clip:

Anything you specifically want to know about? I wanna make sure I cover everything! It'll probably be an hour or so in length - maybe that's too long? Not sure

Thanks gang

Get Super VHS


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Did this video ever come out? I'm really interested in seeing how Super VHS was made, your attention to detail is amazing.

I'm still editing it, trying to get it a bit shorter (it's currently like 1 hour 20mins)


I'm a bit late but I wanted to ask anyway:

- was there anything you really wanted to include or make possible, but could not for a technical reason?

- do you see it being possible to recreate the screening room one day? or is it infeasible because all the hundreds of tapes on the shelves are not possible to scan?

Added to the list! I'll make sure to answer, thanks


Oh wow, yeah. I'm sitting here, legit wearing my Cannibal Airlines shirt -- what brought these two worlds together?

Got it, I’ll talk about the Rob Schrab tapes - how’d you come across CA? Through 10 cloverfield lane?

I am so sorry I got lost in the sauce of a bunch of illustration gigs - Rob's stuff came to my attention through the 10 CL Altered Reality Game and the Dynamic Banter Podcast (which was called Cloverfeels at the time) - I found the shirt and bought one while looking up the flick as part of the ARG. Dude's art is so fun and nostalgic for me, growing up in the 80s. 


As that Red Letter Media fan that straddles the line between game dev and player, I’m really curious on all the work on this whole project, especially on the asset gathering.

Roger that. This made me realise I should add more context to each topic, thanks!