A downloadable hack fraud simulator for Windows, macOS, and Linux



A mildly famous warehouse lurks somewhere deep in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Hidden by relentless snow (or possibly that technology from 1994's The Shadow), spoken of only under whispered breath. Legends of sets, props, and bad movies as far as the eye can see. No one has returned from this place in a thousand years. No one...until now!


| Official Trailer |
Watch on YouTube in 4K!

With the magic of space age computer technology, every real world set and prop from the RedLetterMedia warehouse has been obsessively recreated, and each is ready to be picked up, dusted off, and thrown into a whole bunch of empty beer bottles.

>User Reviews! (on YouTube!)<

"What...is this? What IS this?"
 - Rich E., Milwaukee

[Player opens door] "Fucking fascinating."
 - Mike, Wisconsin

"This is all wrong. You failed!"
 - R. Evans, Milwaukee


Support RedLetterMedia on YouTube and Patreon!


System Requirements (Windows/MacOS/Linux):

It should run well on any 2016/2017 era Nvidia 10-series GPU or better, especially if you turn down the amount of booze.  Runs fine on a 2020 M1 MacBook Air, also.

The Linux version is minimally tested, please let me know how it works. Pray for mojo.

Virtual Reality Edition:

The V.R version is very simple, just the basic level with all of the interactable props - no menu, UI, gameplay loop etc. It's pretty neat to see the space in 1:1 scale. You can throw so many bottles. Performance will definitely vary depending on your system.

| Virtual Reality Edition Trailer |
Watch on YouTube in 4K!



This is a free, fan-made game, and is not authorised, endorsed, or sponsored by Red Letter Media in any way. All RLM props, sets, concepts etc. are created by and property of Red letter Media.

Please send any complaints and/or feature length critical video essays to:
 - twitter.com/reaction105
 - instagram.com/reaction105/
 - youtube.com/reaction105/

You can buy me a coffee here if you like. Thanks for playing!


supervhs-win_v1.2.zip 3.6 GB
Version 1.2 Mar 21, 2023
supervhs-mac_v1.2.zip 3.5 GB
Version 1.2 Mar 21, 2023
supervhs-linux_v1.2.zip 2.2 GB
Version 1.2 Aug 27, 2022
supervhs-win-vr.zip 2.5 GB
Version 1.0 Aug 06, 2022

Install instructions

Unzip and play, no install needed. Mac users may need to allow apps from unsigned developers, or right click>open. Controls, options, credits etc. listed in game.

V.R supports teleport and smooth locomotion, as well as room scale. Most V.R controls are physical grabs and pushes, but you also have jump on A (or lower face button), sprint on right thumbstick click, and activate on B (or upper face button). Only tested on Oculus devices.

Development log


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excelente juego! aunque aun no pude juntar todos los vhs😅👍


just a great way of wasting my whole birthday ...no regrets.... WORKS GREAT ON THE STEAM DECK...just have a fan nearby lol 

legend thank you for the vid and testing!


No problem... great game TY


Will there ever be a sequel?

(1 edit) (+2)

not sure about a sequel, but i am currently working on a big update and launching on steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2344680/Super_VHS/

you can also follow along on twitter if you want to see updates: https://twitter.com/reaction105 or https://twitter.com/evlmpr

I just noticed that I seem to have version 1.3? From when I downloaded this a while back. Did that get removed or downgraded?


i pulled it down because some stuff in it is being rolled/reworked into a bit bigger update I'm working on


that's cool and exciting!


I have had quite a few bug encounters, but I did enjoy playing this game! Very insightful, the words on the bottom of the screen may need to be a bit bigger (or at least be in bold), I had a lot of trouble reading them. This game gave me a mix of Superliminal and The Stanley Parable vibes. Loved it!

thank you very much! fantastic games to be compared to. was the font also a problem? i'm sorry it was dfficult for you to read

It was a bit! I have a bit of astigmatism and it makes it a bit difficult. A thicker version of it would work a lot better! Or perhaps something like a dark/light mode for a background behind the text!


Thanks! I will work on this


really truly loved this. i just watched Mike & Rich's playthrough, and after a while gave in to the nagging urge to experience it firsthand. your commentary is delightful and funny and shines with niceness and appreciation for the best goofs in RLM and Simpsons jokes that Mike would enjoy, it's clear how much research you put in and it shows in the descriptions (I learned so much). thanks for not just making this but also documenting and sharing your process!


<3 thank you! sharing in the good vibes from like minded people has been the best part, appreciate you taking the time to comment. thanks for playing!


The Stanley Parable but RLM


Would love if when throwing the blu-ray or DVD discs, they flew more like frisbees or shuriken than end over end like everything else. Also, I tried dropping beer bottles into the shredder to no avail. This is fantastic fun though.


Fantastic work. I got chills in the VR version, "taking a seat" in Mr. Plinkett's house set. Have you considered dropping your contact info with BigMode? I know Dunkey is a fan of RedLetterMedia and could be a great opportunity to network through. You mentioned your background not being in game dev on the making of video you sure as hell have the creativity and the ingenuity to work in the field and be damn good in it.


Thanks man! I like Dunkey but I didn't know he was a RLM fan...I'm gonna have a think about this idea, thanks for the heads up!


Hi there, was hoping to know if there's a possibility of you releasing art for this game so that when I add it to steam as a non-steam game it won't be blank (i.e. poster, header, hero, logo, icon). If it already exists I'd very much appreciate it if you directed me to it. I tried looking it up on SteamGridDB and couldn't find anything. 

Thanks in advance!

Good idea! I'm working on some, will update you when it's done


well i'm going to put the whole game on steam instead, that should give you the art you need


Just a quick suggestion. The Whopper button should play clips from Don Beveridge.

true, unfortuntely the whopper button is broken :(

How do you use a controller ? The controls section shows a controller, but my controller doesn't work. It's plugged in and working but it doesn't control anything. This is impossible to "play" with a mouse and keyboard. It's really awkward.

what kind of controller?

It is a Logitech gamepad. But when I plugged it in, nothing happened. I could use a ps4 or ps4 controller, though.

there doesn't happen to be  a list of where all the VHS tapes are, is there ? I'm having a bugger of a time finding the last 15 or so.

here's every tape

Bit of an issue. It's snowing....inside.

try turning the effects quality to low, and/or the shadow quality to low

I'm just wondering how much space the game takes up when you unzip it...


The update removes the music from BOTW it seems?

thanks for the heads up, i just checked it on my end and the BOTW theme still plays for me. I did make the pause between loops longer though, could that be it?


I played this for the first time just today and I was very happy to see new additions to the game, like the new blurry "Dick the Birthday Boy" photos, the graded Nukie tape, and a working woodchipper. I was very impressed with this, both in terms of accuracy to the YouTube channel it is based on, and just the Unreal graphics in general. The materials and lighting all felt great. Excellent work.


thank you very much Mr. B


I get it now. If you stack all the tapes on top of the TV except Mac and Me and throw all the diabetes meds down the Plinko game then Lord Xenu appears and takes you away. I'm writing this from his ship now.


god I miss xenu

give him my regards

I do not mean this as criticism at all, this game is beautiful.

But is there a mission here? Is it meant to have an end goal? Is it just to explore and look at?

Either way, beautiful animation, very well done.

thanks AC! mostly, its for exploration and sightseeing. but, there is a small goal to achieve that will give you a "thanks for playing" message

I played again and received it! Super adorable haha! Thanks for sharing!

hell yeah glad you enjoyed!


I think this game is ridiculous (in a good way) I liked exploring the set. Anso, what's with the snow outside? I tried to go outside and see if there were any secrets.

(1 edit) (+1)

The warehouse is in Milwaukee, which is always an empty snowy hellscape outside

not sure how to run this in vr? it loads but its just a static image where i'm stuck in the floor and it doesnt even show up on my headset. i'm using a quest 2 with oculus/virtual desktop/steamvr running.


Please add this as an update!!! The 4 blurred photos. Or you could make it so you can make so 4 random things which happen in the game end up in those photos at the end to make it a personal experience...

I’m putting my best brain on the problem!


Incredible work! Perhaps you can release an update with the blurred collection of Dick The Birthday Boy photos mentioned in a recent video, on display in all its gaussian glory.

(2 edits) (+1)

something like this?




Such a great game.  I took me some time to find the tapes but I eventually got there :).  Brilliant graphics and I'm impressed with all the detail put into the tapes and the posters on the wall to name just a few.  Keep up the good work, I look forward to seeing more projects from you!!  Also the effects of the laser gun firing over the snow are awesome!   

thank you giant chicken! glad you enjoyed the lasers in the snow, one of my favourite parts too. thanks for playing and dropping by! <3

This is so awesome.  Pardon my dumb here, but is there a way to place tapes back on the BOTW table and Plinketto board "slots"?


no :( you can only try line up the drop perfectly. this was originally going to be VR only so you could easily place them by hand


when will the VR version get updated? 

all of the updates so far have just been typo fixes or options/tweaks that don't apply to the VR version (motion blur, invert controls, zoom etc)


thank for this game !

nice! thanks for playing!


This is unbelievably fantastic work my dude, but I'm just having trouble with the vr version with the quest 1, when I load up the game there's no sound apart from when I press the oculus button to bring up the oculus menu and for a split second I can hear audio playing but it's only when I bring up the oculus menu and only for like half a second, iv tried using both the link cable and airlink and its the same on both, pls help I desperately need to hear the shimmy slide in vr

Never mind I didn't have the windows sound output defaulted to the oculus quest, it's working perfectly now. Great work again lad would love to see more stuff like this 

hell yeah dude thanks for playing 


This is great. Thank you for including a macOS version! 


Tums Festival


oh my gaaahhd

(1 edit) (+4)

Brilliant. Rich & Mike loved it!


My fist response was, "WOW!". Followed quickly by, "Why?". Ultimately ending in downloading. Thanks so much for a VR version!


<3 I asked myself “why” many many many times while I was making this


The best RLM FPS fan-game set in their studios I've ever played! It broke new ground!

that’s true 


Haha this is so much fun! Thanks for making this!


I've always wanted to play as a hack/fraud. Now I can. Thank you good sir.


It's like I'm really a hack fraud! Good job with the trivia on everything too, just wanting to read everything was somehow more compelling than the space gun.

thank you! I tried to keep it interesting and 99% true 


This is absolutely amazing. I am so excited for the VR version too. Not sure how much feedback you're getting for the VR version, but I had some tracking and light navigation issues. BUT this is an awesome experience and I'm blown away by the amount of work here.


definitely had some problems with VR navigation that weren’t quite fixed. Thanks for playing!


This is absolutely outstanding! I love that I got to do something Plinkett hasn't been able to do... watch Night Court! What a great ending. ❤️


I dance every time the night court music plays <3


After watching the RLM video (and with the intent to play it myself later), I would love to see you attempt their offices and the casting viewing couches. My modelling skills are fairly basic, but let me know if I can lend a hand, should you. I feel there is a desperate lack of "behind-the-scenes"/"fictional" location games (like 3D open-world games of cartoons).

(1 edit) (+3)

basic modellers gang! I hope to develop this further, we shall see if there’s time 


You know, I think if you know the address, you should be able to look up the ground plan/blueprints of the building via the government... Don't quote me on that, though. No official inventory of how many Nukie VHS they own, though.

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